A Legend in the Making

What makes a legend? It’s not something you can just proclaim. It’s not something that comes once you hit a certain age. No, a legend is a title earned from a life of adventure and stories that are worth being told over and over again. From the moment we made the gutsy move to a family-run knife manufacturer, we charted our course to earn the title of a legend. We became the companions of adventurers in the best moments of their lives and in their worst. We became their first hunting knife, fishing knife, and an important piece of gear when they enlisted. We’ve been there, every step of the way.

Each month throughout 2024, we’ll be celebrating the anniversary of our origins. Join us as we recall the key moments that made every one of those 85 years a legend worth retelling.

The Family Business

In 1939, Pete, Joe, and Ham Gerber made the wild decision to start manufacturing and selling culinary knives in Portland, Oregon. They would end up changing their lives and the American knife market. Founding a brand that would grow into a globally recognized legend.

Icons In Innovation

We’ve been changing the game since the start. Read about some of our most innovative patents and designs from our storied past.

Legendary Letters

From US Presidents to Soldiers on the front line, we have a long and strong connection to our customers. Read some of the most legendary customer stories sent to us.

How Gerber Became A Knife Brand

How did Pete Gerber go from a family-run ad agency to a legendary outdoor knife brand? Read how the family business became a thing of legend.

How Portland Became The Knife Center Of The United States

Portland, Oregon is known for many famous brands and industries, knives included. Read how this PNW city became one of the blade capitols of the world.